Enjoy the Best Online Promotion from Online Casinos in Malaysia! Get an additional 1% cashback bonus for every deposit you make when you register for an account with any of your preferred Brands with us!
Min. Points Purchase |
Max. Points Purchase / Month |
Bonus Amount |
Partner Brands |
Requirement |
How to Apply |
RM100 |
RM10,000 |
1% |
i8, BK8, AW8, Winbox, MB8 |
Referee account by BetGuru |
Contact Customer Service on WhatsApp |
Promotion Mechanics
- Register an account with any of our Partner Brands using the links below:
- Update the Member ID of the account that you created into your BetGuru profile.
- Deposit a minimum of RM100 in your newly created account.
- Notify BetGuru of your deposit. Upon verification, BetGuru will transfer the Bonus to your account.
Example :Â
Deposit amount : RM9,850 = Bonus amount : RM98
Promotion Terms & Conditions
- This promotion is only valid for customers with accounts in Partner Brands registered under BetGuru. Partner accounts not registered under BetGuru will not be eligible to claim this promotion.
- Partner IDs in Partner brands must be filled in the member’s account details for verification.
- Promotion is available for the specified partner brands above only.
- The maximum bonus amount that members can claim is up to RM100 per month. Members can make numerous deposits throughout the month. All deposit denomination amounts of less than RM100 will not be eligible for the bonus.
- The Bonus limit resets and starts on the last and first day of every month. Any unused bonus from the previous month will not be carried forward to the following month.
- The bonus amount is valid for all game rooms within the Partner Brand unless specified otherwise.
- The bonus amount can be used with any promotions offered by the Partner Brand unless specified otherwise.
General Terms & Conditions
- BetGuru reserves the right to amend, terminate and/or suspend the promotion without prior notice.
- BetGuru reserves the right to decline, remove and/or suspend any member that is deemed by BetGuru to be unethical, fraudulent and/or found to be misusing the services provided by BetGuru.
Specification: BetGuru – 1% CashBack
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